Articles on: Teams

Team members

Naturally, once you've set up your team in Headlime you'll want to add people to it. This can be done with just a few clicks.

Inviting existing Headlime users

If the person you want to invite already has a Headlime account, you can invite them to join your team with said existing account. This also means you won't have to pay anything extra.

Sending the invite

First, go to the Members tab of your team page with the button in the top menu.

In the top right, there's a green button labeled Add new members. Click it.

You'll be prompted to enter information about the new member. First enter their email address. Make sure you invite them with the same email address they used to sign up for Headlime. This will allow us to add their account to the team.

- Choose an Access Level for the new member. You can learn more about this further below under [Permissions](

- When you're done, click Invite new member. Your team member will now receive an invite to join your team.

Accepting the invite

If you've been invited by someone to join a team, you will receive this invite in your Headlime account. To view your invites, simply go to Invites in the left menu on the homescreen.

Here, you will be able to see and accept the invite. When you accept the invite, you are then able to access the team page and work as a team member.

Inviting new Headlime users

You can also invite new team members who don't have a Headlime account yet. These members will be prompted to create an account when they accept the invite.

The Agency plan comes with 5 extra accounts. In other words, you can invite five new people to create an account and join the team for free. For every new Headlime user you invite to join your team after this, 15 dollars will be added to your monthly total plan cost. That's half the price of a regular Pro account, and the user will get a fully functional account including personal workspace. In other words, it's perfect for larger agencies and organisations!

Sending the invite

First, go to the Members tab of your team page with the button in the top menu.

In the top right, there's a green button labeled Add new members. Click it.

- You'll be prompted to enter information about the new member. First enter their email address. This email address must be the one the new team member will use to create an account.

Choose an Access Level for the new member. You can learn more about this further below under [Permissions](

- When you're done, click Invite new member. Your team member will now receive an invite to join your team.

Accepting the invite

The invited person will receive an email with an invite link. By clicking this link, they'll be able to create their own account. This is required to join the team and work with Headlime. Once their account is created, they'll automatically be added to the team.


Team members can be given three different levels of access:

Admin: Admins are high-level users with unrestricted permissions. They can change any settings and use all features within the team.
Can edit: Users with this role are able to access and edit content the team is working on. They can fill out variables, create templates, edit documents, use the AI generator, etc. They are unable to access team settings.
Can view: Users with this role are unable to edit anything within the team. They cannot create new content or edit any existing content. However, they are able to view all the content that other team members have created. This means they can easily look up the work that's been done, copy it, and use it in their own work.

In addition, there's a fourth level exclusive to the creator of the the team. This is Owner. The user with this role has unrestricted permissions within the team.

Managing team members

If you wish to manage your team members, go to the Members tab on the team screen. Here, you'll see all team members listed. From here, you can change roles, remove team members, etc.

Updated on: 12/02/2021

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